What Is Non-Toxic?

Nontoxic is the next generation in hair care. This means no more ammonia, PPD, resorcinol of formaldehyde.

Can nontoxic color work like traditional hair color?

Yes! Turns out you don't need those harsh chemicals to create long lasting results because natural ingredients can deliver beautiful results!

What are PPD's, Resorcinol, Ammonia and Formaldehyde?

 PPD - Paraphenylenediamine is know as a possible carcinogen that has allergic reactions. Can create reddening and swelling of face along with dermatitis.

Resorcinol - Used in coloring and may be toxic to environment as well as our immune system.

Ammonia - Swells the hair cuticle to allow color absorption, allergic reactions include itchy scalp and watery eyes.

Formaldehyde - Known to be a human carcinogen resulting in watery eyes, headaches, burning sensation in throat, difficultly breathing and can aggravate asthma symptoms.

When should I do a nontoxic smoothing treatment and how long do I have to wait until I color?

I usually recommend doing the treatment before color as the treatment opens the cuticle to allow the product to enter the cortex of the hair. This at times can create a slight shift in color treated hair which can be addressed immediately after your treatment. No down time needed, you can get your color done right after your nontoxic smoothing treatment... Same day!

What's the difference between nontoxic and other treatments?

Nontoxic are keratin and amino acid based treatments that works from the inside out. They gently open the cuticle and allows the treatment to enter the cortex of the hair. Then I can gently treat the hair without damaging it.

How long does it last?

The treatments can last up to "6 months" although we're all unique so everyone it a bit different.